Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tyranids - Let's Continue the Discussion, Shall We?

Alright, it's been a while since we've talked about Nids list building. I've been spending a lot of time painting the big bugs lately which has been satisfying, but after a while of seeing the basics of the army come together it makes me want to work on the army list and try some different things out.

This post over on 3++ by Archnomad got me thinking. I don't disagree with anything he said - he's laid out the problems of the codex in clear and succinct way.

The challenge of building a Tyranids list (and one of the reasons I like them so much I guess) is that you are really forced into lots of trade-offs. If you gain one thing here, you lose one thing there. And by the way, certain things you need only fit in certain slots. Sounds like a puzzle, huh? That's why I like it!

Anyways, I do agree that Nids face an uphill battle. But they are certainly not anywhere near, say, the current Necrons (though hopefully that's not the case for long!). Nids ARE an army you can compete with.

Anyways, this is the evolution of the list I have been tinkering with. I keep the firepower I had before, which is good. Having seven units firing Strength 8 9 and 10 shots will help me suppress and de-mech my opponent so I can get in close and give him "the business."

But once I get up close and personal I'd better make sure I can deliver. I think Preferred Enemy bubbles are needed here. I know I could easily fit just one Hive Tyrant into the list with Preferred enemy. The thing is, having one target that gives a critical bonus to my army encourages my opponent to try and take that capability away from me. Having two such units makes it much more of a challenge and might discourage them from trying. Plus two Tyrants with Preferred Enemy ARE pretty scary in Hand to Hand of their own right. That would look like this:

2000 Points, Dual Tyrants:

Hive Tyrant, Old Adversary, Lashwhip/Bonesword, Heavy Venom Cannon, Tyrant Guard
Hive Tyrant, Old Adversary, Lashwhip/Bonesword, Heavy Venom Cannon, Tyrant Guard

Hive Guard x 2
Hive Guard x 2
Hive Guard x 2

Gargoyles x 18

Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines
Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines
Termagants x 10
Termagants x 10

Tyrannofex, Rupture Cannon, Dessicator Swarm, Cluster Spines
Tyrannofex, Rupture Cannon, Dessicator Swarm, Cluster Spines

So that's relatively scary I think. Good anti-mech firepower. Termagants are pretty scary when rerolling hits and wounds. Hive Tyrants are scary to lots of things in their own right.

I was thinking about the Parasite though. He (it?) is pretty cool. Projecting Strength 6 attacks forward with lots of ablative wounds seems like a legit strategy. Might even give me an excuse to paint up some Ripper Swarm bases. ;D

That could look something like this:

2000 Points, Tyrant with Parasite:

Hive Tyrant, Old Adversary, Heavy Venom Cannon, LW/BS, Armored Shell, Tyrant Guard x 2
Parasite of Mortrex

Hive Guard x 2
Hive Guard x 2
Hive Guard x 2

Gargoyles x 16, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs

Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines

Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Cluster Spines
Termagants x 10 
Termagants x 10

Tyrannofex, Rupture Cannon, Dessicator Swarm, Cluster Spines
Tyrannofex, Rupture Cannon, Dessicator Swarm, Cluster Spines

I think the first list has merit, in that it is a natural evolution from my current list. I lose 2 Gargoyles and their Toxins/Adrenals, but the Preferred Enemy makes up for that I think. The second list is a bit of a departure. I know that Hulksmash has had some success with the Parasite.

But what does he know, right? ;D

Of the units that I'm not currently using, I would also love to mess around with Shrikes, Raveners and Genestealers. Interestingly they all bring an element of speed which the army as a whole is lacking outside of the Gargoyles. Something to ponder for the future. I had toyed with the idea of infiltrating units of Genestealers strung out and attaching a Prime to the back-end of the unit. The Genestealers could then help "drag" the Prime forward into combat. Kind of a gimmick, but might be useful. Have to give it more thought.

Anyways, hope you fellow bug lovers are getting some games in. What are you having success with? What are your toughest match ups? Easiest match ups?