Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tyranids Versus Blood Angels 2k

Ok, well I got another game in versus Blood Angels. This time it was against a different player, the Best Overall winner from the tournament I had hosted.

My list, for reference:

Prime, Regen, Lash/BS, Scy Tal
Prime, Regen, Lash/BS, Rend Claw
Zoanthrope x 2
Hive Guard x 2
Hive Guard x 2

Tervigon, Catalyst, Onslaught, Adrenals, Toxins, Cluster
Tervigon, Catalyst, Onslaught, Adrenals, Toxins, Cluster
Termagants x 10
Termagants x 10
Genestealers x 15
Genestealers x 15

Tyrannofex, Rupture, Dessicator, Cluster
Tyrannofex, Rupture, Dessicator, Cluster

His list as I recall:

Librarian, Fear of the Darkness, Unleash Rage, Jump Pack

Sanguinary Priest, Terminator Armor
Terminator Assault Squad
Furioso, Blood Talons, Heavy Flamer

Assault Squad, full, 2 Melta, Power Fist, Jump Packs
Assault Squad, full, 2 Melta, Power Fist, Jump Packs
Assault Squad, full, 2 Melta, Power Fist, No Packs
Dedicated Land Raider Crusader, Multimelta

Baal Pred, Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolters
Baal Pred, Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolters

Storm Raven, Plasma Cannon, Multimelta

So we decided on book missions and got D3+2 Objectives and table quarters. I won the roll to go first. I deployed far forward in my deployment zone making use of some cargo box thingies to shield my Hive Guard from his deployment zone, and ensuring everything had cover. I declared I would be infiltrating my Genestealers.

He decided to go all reserves (a mistake I believe). No deep strikes, just all rolling/flying from his board edge.

I infiltrated my Genestealers in positions which threatened his board edge, but still had elements strung out for Feel No Pain. During my two turns of free movement I oriented everything centrally with my Zoanthropes positioned to shoot anything that came on in the center 48 - 60 inches of the board (depending on Onslaught rolls). This didn't leave him with a heck of a lot of board edge to play with, and I also had T-Fexes and Hive Guard.

The big moments of the game:

He thought his Stormraven could tank shock, then figured out it couldn't. He tried to tank shock my screening units out of the way so that his Stormraven would have enough room to land and assault my Zoanthrope unit, then figured out that tank shock doesn't really work that way. Then he tried to finagle his Stormraven in so that he was outside of 1" of everything, and couldn't. So he gave up and brought it on over at the edge.

My Zoanthropes killed his Land Raider and two the Furioso. My Hive Guard killed his Stormraven. The T-Fexes killed a Baal. Everything worked exactly as it should. My Genestealers got a few really nice rending rolls and helped to deal with his Terminators. His Furioso slowly ground through one full unit of Genestealers (they did manage to glance it once!) but then got out of combat on his turn and promptly got Warp Lanced to death.

We each got off some pretty effective charges. One of my Termagant charges decimated one of his Assault Squads, but his counter-assault with an Assault Squad, his Librarian and the Assault Terminators finished off the Termagants, a Tervigon and a T-Fex, all in one round, (ouch). A Genestealer squad finished off his Sanguinary Priest and the Terminators, while my remaining MC's shot the piss out of the Assault Squad and then a combined force of a Tervigon, T-Fex and 3 Hive Guard (!) finished off the squad in close combat. Hey, don't knock it, Hive Guard aren't terrible in close combat and if there's no more mech to shoot...

At the end of the day I claimed an objective with a Tervigon and an objective with some Genestealers. He had one Assault Squad sergeant left on an objective (the lone survivor of the decimated unit) and I had a T-Fex, Tervigon, 3 Hive Guard, 2 Zoanthropes, 1 Prime and 5 Genestealers remaining.

A good showing for the bugs.