Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Nids Test List - 2000 Points

So, I had posted this over at YTTH a while back. I am posting this again here so that it lives on this site as well, and also to test out my new army archive I'm working on. It's a work in progress so don't expect anything too major yet.

Also, if you were following the discussion over at YTTH, this is still a Beta Test list, based on models I have already converted or purchased. The idea is to gain more experience piloting a Nids army directly, as opposed to reading about them/playing against them/theory-hammering. Don't get me wrong, those things are good and will get you pretty far, but I need to take it to the next level.

Hive Tyrant, Heavy Venom Cannon, LW/BS, Tyrant Guard
Hive Tyrant, Heavy Venom Cannon, LW/BS, Tyrant Guard

Hive Guard x 2
Hive Guard x 2

Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
Termagants x 10
Termagants x 10

Fast Attack:
Gargoyles x 10
Gargoyles x 10

Heavy Support:
Tyrannofex, Rupture Cannon
Tyrannofex, Rupture Cannon

So there you have it. I knew Deathleaper was going to make it into any first round lists I wrote, lol. I am so excited to take that bad-boy out for a test drive. Even if he doesn't end up making the "final cut" I just can't see him NOT being fantastically fun. That and the army is built with enough anti-mech suppressive units that I don't need that third unit of Hive Guard.

Comments are welcome, and if all goes as planned you will also find this under the Army Lists page soonish.