So, I had posted this over at YTTH a while back. I am posting this again here so that it lives on this site as well, and also to test out my new army archive I'm working on. It's a work in progress so don't expect anything too major yet.
Also, if you were following the discussion over at YTTH, this is still a Beta Test list, based on models I have already converted or purchased. The idea is to gain more experience piloting a Nids army directly, as opposed to reading about them/playing against them/theory-hammering. Don't get me wrong, those things are good and will get you pretty far, but I need to take it to the next level.
Hive Tyrant, Heavy Venom Cannon, LW/BS, Tyrant Guard
Hive Tyrant, Heavy Venom Cannon, LW/BS, Tyrant Guard
Hive Guard x 2
Hive Guard x 2
Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
Termagants x 10
Termagants x 10
Fast Attack:
Gargoyles x 10
Gargoyles x 10
Heavy Support:
Tyrannofex, Rupture Cannon
Tyrannofex, Rupture Cannon
So there you have it. I knew Deathleaper was going to make it into any first round lists I wrote, lol. I am so excited to take that bad-boy out for a test drive. Even if he doesn't end up making the "final cut" I just can't see him NOT being fantastically fun. That and the army is built with enough anti-mech suppressive units that I don't need that third unit of Hive Guard.
Comments are welcome, and if all goes as planned you will also find this under the Army Lists page soonish.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
My Nids Test List - 2000 Points
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Comments by IntenseDebate
jualalatdrumband 28p · 209 weeks ago
Thanks for the information. Awaited a visit on our web.
Alat Drumband dan Marchingband
zainsaeed · 203 weeks ago
zainsaeed · 201 weeks ago
zainsaeed · 200 weeks ago
Yandere chan · 186 weeks ago