Man this guy just can't be stopped.
In the final round, Tony was able to clear out the middle objective which was being contested by Nick Nanavati's Plaguebearers. Each player controlled two quarters (primary) and with Tony claiming the middle objective he won on secondaries.
So let's talk about all of the awesomeness flowing out of the NOVA:
-Flyerwing is defeated by an infantry army.
-An all infantry army versus and all infantry army at the top table in the final round.
-Chaos Daemons (!?!) at the top table in the final round.
-Xenos everywhere, as primaries or as allies.
-Still lots of mechanized lists, and they don't seem to be falling down failing either.
Wow, talk about some changes that 6th has brought to us.
So the goal of any good tournament design is to bring two incredibly skilled teams/players together in the final round, and face them off in a format that provides no advantages to either side, and produce the best possible fight possible, with the most skilled player taking the win.
Well Mike: Mission Accomplished.
What an incredible game.
Rough recaps of Tony and Nick's lists (VERY rough):
Tony (via Imperius Dominatus):
5x Grey Hunter squads, 3x10 w/ 2x Plasma, 1x10 w/ 2x Melta. All wolf standard and each lead by a PF
Wolf Guard Terminator, and 1x5 with just flamer
2x Lone Wolves w/ Chainfist & storm shield
Primaris Psyker
5 man PCS w/ no upgrades
50 man Blob Squad w/ 5x Power Axes & meltabombs
2x5 Long Fangs with 4 missiles each
Nick's Daemons (confirmed by his opponent Nathan):
6 Flamers w/ pyrocaster
6 Flamers w/ pyrocaster
6 Flamers w/ pyrocaster
5 Plaguebearers w/ Icon
5 Plaguebearers w/ Icon
5 Plaguebearers
5 Plaguebearers
5 Screamers
5 Screamers
5 Screamers
Daemon Prince
w/ Wings, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Breath of Chaos, Slaanesh, Aura of Acquiesece, Soporific Musk.
Daemon Prince
w/ Wings, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Breath of Chaos, Slaanesh, Aura of Acquiesece, Soporific Musk.
Again... this is REALLY rough, could be off by a lot but gives you a general outline of the armies. I didn't get to watch the seventh round this morning, and I missed the first few rounds of the 8th so that would have let me get a better idea for exactly what was in each army.
In the final game, Tony rolled on Divination and was able to apply 4++ invuls to his blob squad, and his Primaris also rolled endurance. This allowed his 5 point trooper ablative wounds to withstand the full fury of a double Screamer and Daemon Prince assault and actually wear down the Screamers over time. The blob eventually died, but you talk about the epitome of a tarpit. 5 point models with a 4++/5+... ridiculous.
Anyways, what a great game to watch. Hope you guys get a chance to as well. The 11th company has done an incredible job of covering the entire event.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Tony Kopac wins the NOVA... AGAIN!
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Comments by IntenseDebate
jualalatdrumband 28p · 209 weeks ago
Thanks for the information. Awaited a visit on our web.
Alat Drumband dan Marchingband
zainsaeed · 203 weeks ago
zainsaeed · 201 weeks ago
zainsaeed · 200 weeks ago
Yandere chan · 185 weeks ago