Anyways, enough bellyaching.
Since SinSynn was kind enough to equip me with some more Hive Guard and the second Tyrant I needed, I now have the models to run the following list. I think it's mostly very "inside the box" but could still be pretty interesting to get my feet under me with a very different army than my normal 3+ armored duders.
Here's the list, I know we've got some bright Nids players that read here so I appreciate your thoughts and input:
Hive Tyrant, Heavy Venom Cannon, Tyrant Guard x 1
Hive Tyrant, Heavy Venom Cannon, Tyrant Guard x 1
Hive Guard x 2
Hive Guard x 2
Hive Guard x 2
Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
Tervigon, Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
Termagants x 10
Termagants x 10
Gargoyles x 10, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
Gargoyles x 10, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs
Tyrannofex, Rupture Cannon
Tyrannofex, Rupture Cannon
I've been thinking a lot about Heavy Venom Cannons versus