Thursday, December 15, 2011

Game Night Recap

Got to test drive my Grey Knights army for the first time against Kingpin's new Necrons.

Turns out, never playing with an army against an army you've never played against after not having played for three months... not so good.

But really the biggest problem out of those was my unfamiliarity with my own army.

I deployed like shit, target prioritized like shit, and got beat.

Kingpin always challenges me, but this was pretty bad. It's not like I got tabled or anything, and I was putting up a fight, but man... just not up to par.

After that, I pulled out my Tyranids and got a bit of revenge, though luck was with me on that one. Pulled it out on turn seven.

Again, mistakes were made, lol.

Anyways, it feels good to be playing again.

I honestly enjoyed the new (corrected) Nids list, which was:

Genestealers x 19, Toxins, Broodlord, Implant Attack
Tervigon, Cat, Onslaught, Adrenals, Toxins
Tervigon, Cat, Onslaught, Adrenals, Toxins
Devilgaunts x 10
Devilgaunts x 10
Raveners x 3, Rending Claws
Raveners x 3, Rending Claws
Raveners x 3, Rending Claws

The Raveners have better survivability than Genestealers, and a longer charge range. But they are also somewhat pillow-fisted. Not sure how I feel about them yet. They are really intended to bang up light transports, but I threw six of them into a large Necron squad and, embarrassingly, they kind of got their asses kicked, lol.

Devilgaunts are fucking amazing. Nuff said.

Still like my Onslaughting Zoanthropes with Primes. A lot.

People question whether you need two Primes. What you have to realize is that you are putting that unit right into the thick of it, driving them up the gut as it were. It's very nice to have some dudes that can lay a smack down if necessary in midfield during the late-game.

Anyways, I'm overdue for bed (again)... later.