Saturday, May 28, 2011

Took 2nd at RTT

*Yawn* I'm sleepy. Going to keep this short and sweet. Tournament was at 1850. Took my Wolves because my Nids aren't fully painted yet but quite honestly think I would have had more fun and probably done just as well (if not better) with my Nids. My list was pretty close to my GT list but I replaced Njal with a regular Terminator Rune Priest with Living Lighting and Murderous Hurricane and a Chooser. (See SinSynn, no Jaws!)

Game one: Horde Orks with Kans and Deffkoptas and a single Battlewagon.  4th Ed. Table Quarters. Victory with full bonus points. Murderous Hurricane was... murder. Against 30 man Boy squads it's pretty brutal.

Game two: Kind of a cluster fuck because neither my opponent nor I read the fine print on the back of the mission instructions which radically changed the entire game until right around turn four or so.

We thought we were playing Victory Points (as it said on the front of the sheet) and in fact we were playing Kill Points (as it said on the back). We were within three on Kill Points at the bottom of five and he had killed some emissary dude which apparently was the tiebreaker (again the fine print on the back of the sheet) so I ended up losing. Not really too stressed about the loss as I was actually doing quite well in the game and lost to the best player in the room by a narrow margin on a mission that neither of us really knew we were playing. So no worries. Both he and his twin brother are regularly among the most challenging opponents in the local group and are always a pleasure to play.

He ended up to go 3-0 with the following list (as I recall):

Librarian, Terminator, Null Zone, Avenger
Assault Terminators x 5, Land Raider Crusader, Multimelta

Tactical Squad, Melta, Combimelta, Multimelta, Power Fist, Rhino
Tactical Squad, Melta, Combimelta, Multimelta, Power Fist, Rhino

Land Speeder x 2, Typhoon Launcher x 2 Heavy Bolters x 2
Land Speeder x 2, Typhoon Launcher x 2 Heavy Bolters x 2
Land Speeder x 2, Typhoon Launcher x 2 Heavy Bolters x 2


We mauled each other pretty badly, don't remember all the particulars at the moment. Maybe he can fill in details in the comments.

Game 3 was a semi-mirror against a Logan army with a big Death star thunder cav unit led by a Wolf Lord on a Cavalry mount. He was overconfident with his Dawn of War deployment and ended up losing 3 Kill Points (Rhino, Wolf Priest, Grey Hunters) at the bottom of turn one. I held off his Deathstar using Murderous Hurricane (he failed his charge rolling double 2's for terrain) and basically shot them down to just the Lord, then threw the Lone Wolves in to play with the Lord. The Lord eventually killed both Lone Wolves (two Kill Points in my favor) but had only one wound left and was easily taken out after that. Meanwhile the rest of my army shot up the rest of his army, my Wolf Scouts took out a full Unit of Longfangs and polished off a unit of Grey Hunters, and I had essentially tabled him by turn 6 (he 4 models remaining and I had only lost my Thunderwolf Cav units).

I would have won best painted except that I qualified for the higher prize of 2nd Overall. I picked up some Hordes stuff with my winnings (a Warpwolf Stalker and a Hordes template set).

I haven't played the Space wolves since January at the GT as I recall so not bad all things considered. Ironically it's really motivating me to paint up my Nids because I really would rather be playing with them than the Wolves.

Nighty night all.