Watching Tony hammer Neil Gilstrap today on the 11th Company Livecast just made me giggle. For the first few turns Neil's flyerwing was just HAMMERING Tony's army, with very little done in return, as Tony slowly moved across the board with his horde of infantry including... Njal.
Seeing it from above, it was really, really clear that if Njal rolled well on his Stormcaller powers it was going to wreak havoc with the Flyers. I had to step away for a few turns but when I came back, 3/4 of the Scythes were gone. Wow.
Anyways, Njal is and always has been a boss. I hammered several Dark Eldar Raiders out of the sky in a turn with him as well. He's a handy dude, albeit an expensive one.
Anyways, been thinking about army lists as always, and bought a bunch of terrain building supplies as well. Would like to have two full tables of terrain built and stored so that I can both play at home with some variety and contribute for tournaments. I think the next terrain set will be something desert/Egyptian themed, as I saw at the NOVA and it just caught my fancy.
I had been screwing around with several combinations of Wolves and Knights, including my Mech list that I took to a RTT recently. I have also gotten a few games in with my Loganwolves in a foot configuration with Strike Squads allied in for extra anti-infantry and scoring.
Here's where I have landed so far with Logan and friends:
Logan Grimnar
Rune Priest, Meltabombs
Wolf Guard x 5, Terminator w/Cyclone, 4 w/Bolters, Bolt Pistols
Wolf Guard x 5, Terminator w/Cyclone, 4 w/Bolters, Bolt Pistols
Wolf Guard x 5, Terminator w/Cyclone, 4 w/Bolters, Bolt Pistols
Wolf Guard x 5, Terminator w/Cyclone, 4 w/Bolters, Bolt Pistols
Wolf Guard x 5, Terminator w/Cyclone, 4 w/Bolters, Bolt Pistols
Wolf Guard x 5, Terminator w/Cyclone, 4 w/Bolters, Bolt Pistols
Longfangs x 4, Multimelta x 4, Pack Leader
Longfangs x 4, Missile Launcher x 4, Pack Leader
Longfangs x 4, Missile Launcher x 4, Pack Leader
Strike Squad, Extra Strike Marines x 5, Psycannon x 2
Strike Squad, Extra Strike Marines x 5, Psycannon x 2
So that's 68 models, and a fair bit of firepower. Not convinced that this is the way to go, but it certainly doesn't look terrible either.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Watching the NOVA, and thinking
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Comments by IntenseDebate
jualalatdrumband 28p · 209 weeks ago
Thanks for the information. Awaited a visit on our web.
Alat Drumband dan Marchingband
zainsaeed · 203 weeks ago
zainsaeed · 201 weeks ago
zainsaeed · 200 weeks ago
Yandere chan · 185 weeks ago